Friday, 8 October 2010

more = less

A video with music and narration made for the NEWLY DRAWN exhibition. It’s a double track affair combining “the history of urban planning in 2 minutes and 33 seconds set to music” in the form of U =Utopia and the low carbon club anthem More = Less, based on our work for Low2No / Sitra on sustainable urbanism.

NOW for Architecture and Urbanism

Sunday, 3 October 2010

saving face

Fashion Street E1 - this creature brings to mind the animation in Spirited Away, a fantastic film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The visually fascinating streets off Brick Lane are an endless source of wonder.

Symbols invented by a Year 4 class to help them decide where to draw non porous and porous rocks during our rocks and soils project.

Walton on the Naze... presented with the choice of a happy or sad doughnut which would you choose?

Saturday, 2 October 2010

we walk

These are the sights that greet me on my way to the studio. I’m assuming the large text works were commissioned by the council: EVERYONE’S A WINNER and YOU CAN’T GO WRONG enliven the walls around the redevelopment of The Moor shopping area.

My route tells the story of a manufacturing past, buildings in varied states of dereliction line the streets just fives minutes walk from the city centre. Being drawn to places like this I'm happy to observe the present rubbing shoulders with the past.

Some interventions are quietly glued to the city. I especially like broad ribbed warrior maidens. Large text works and graphic's by Kid Acne.

My window, 'K' marks the spot.

The Avec Building, isn't she lovely?