Wednesday, 18 November 2020

heart's ease tonic

Last week I made a 'heart's ease tonic' to share with friends. I've had great feedback so thought I'd share the recipe here.

This herbal helper won’t make sadness or grief disappear, but it may help support you with these feelings. Drink a shot glass measure when required.

3 cups water
Half cup elderberries (I’ve used frozen blackberries as too late in the season for elder)
Half cup hawthorn berries
Half cup rosehips
1 cinnamon stick
Orange peel - 1 quarter
Small bottle (250g) pure maple syrup
1.5oz brandy

❤️ Remove stalks and rinse hips and haws, discard any damaged berries

❤️ Add water, berries, cinnamon and peel to a pan and bring to boil

❤️ Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes

❤️ Remove from heat and use a wooden spoon to mash berries

❤️ Strain through muslin and squeeze (allow mixture to cool a little first)

❤️ Pour liquid back into pan, add maple syrup and brandy. Heat gently to combine ingredients

❤️ Pour into sterilised glass jar or bottle

❤️ Label, refrigerate, use within 1 month, recipe makes around 1.5lt

Hawthorn, rosehip, blackberry, orange peel and cinnamon 

Straining the liquid

Cooling pulp

The only bottles I could buy locally were double the size I needed...