Wednesday, 19 October 2016

live wild, be brave

Coast to Coast, 2015

Money is a little tight at the moment BUT when I heard Cheryl Strayed was coming to town I immediately booked a ticket for Live Wild, Be Brave. An Evening with Cheryl StrayedWhat struck me was how present she was, how heartfelt, authentic AND laugh out loud hilarious. 

A few days have past since the how to: Academy event and a couple of things have stuck in my mind. Firstly, Cheryl is the first person I've heard voice this: that if you are bought up in a toxic home your safe is outside. You must step over the threshold and search for safety in the world, home is not where your heart can reside. This has resonance for me in my feelings of safety experienced while walking alone in landscape. It's not that fear is absent but that I can handle fear in a way that contains it and close my ears to the cultural messages forbidding women to venture forth alone. Observing others, I see they can't do this, their fear is in control.

Secondly, she spoke about her work on Dear Sugar Radio with Steve Almond, and the thousands of letters they receive. These letters reveal that the unhappiest people are those whom, for whatever reason, project an outer persona at odds with their true inner self. When your outer self is a true reflection of your inner self then you are an authentic person in the world, you can truly meet others without shadow or agenda. This is an ongoing process for me, but I am far down the path.

Thank you Cheryl Strayed.