Saturday, 18 May 2019

hedgerow medicine

Just in from a day course in herbal medicine at the Eco Centre, Wirksworth. We made an infused oil from comfrey, and a spring tonic vinegar (mine contains dandelion leaf & root, lovage, nettle, plantain, hawthorn and cleavers). In the morning we drank comfrey tea and in the afternoon, cleavers tea. The afternoon included an identification walk and the photos below show some of the plants we spotted... 

Nature is full on abundant in late spring, fresh, lush, intense. It's as if the plants have a master plan, each taking their space in carpeting the land. Today is another step towards grounding myself in Derbyshire, understanding and building a relationship with this land. 

 Nettle, Cleavers, Rosemary, Dandelion, Hawthorn

 Lovage, Ground Elder, Plantain

 St John's Wort

 Lemon Balm


 Ladys Mantle




 White dead-nettle




Garlic Mustard (Jack-by-the-hedge)